Wow, since I'm done with school, I've put a little more effort into this thing here.
Anyway, so for those of you who aren't in the know,
Google has added another feature to its ever-impressive fleet --
Google Maps. Now, what is the difference between that and say
Mapquest or
Yahoo? The big thing is that Google offers satellite images of most areas. You can get pretty darn close to a lot of areas in the US. It is quite fun to look over real places and it is a nice waste of time.
So I'm driving home later this week. For the sake of curiosity I wanted to see what Google gave me for driving directions. Google gave me
these directions, which are a bit different from what
Yahoo gave me. So what is the difference? Well Google's trip is 227 miles which should take 3 hours and 30 minutes while Mapquest's trip is 222 miles and should take 3 hours and 37 minutes. So what is the difference? The big thing is that going from the Ohio Turnpike to US-23 requires one to get off of the turnpike, drive throught a small town (read: traffic lights) and get onto 23. There is no direct exit from the Turnpike to 23. From what it look's like, Google's route will have a direct connection from the Turnpike to I-280. Additionally, Google puts me futher east on the Turnpike which mean's I'll be paying less in tolls. I'm anxious to see how this route compares.