Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's Friday Night

This was supposed to go up last night...we'll give it a try now.

Well no, it's only tuesday. But I'm sitting here watching the 2nd episode of "Friday Night Lights." I had no interest in it until a week or so ago and was hearing so many good things about it. I watched the first episode and color me impressed. I haven't read the book, but I saw the movie and thought it was so-so, nothing special. I wasn't giving it much of a shot so I tuned in and I think I'm hooked. It's one of those "inspired by" things where it is based on the book but the book is non-fiction so in all actuality the only things similar is the fact that it's about a town in Texas who live and die by how their high school football team does and the harmony/disharmony (racial or otherwise) that exists within the team and the town. Anyway, how many football shows have their been? Uh....Coach? Well that was a 1/2 hour comedy and didn't really focus on football itself. So its a TV show about football...big deal. But it's filmed like a documentary so it goes against the grain of the traditional drama. The big reason I like it is that in my new career as a coach I have a lot more perspective on the individual personalities on an athletic team. Being an athlete is one thing...but when you're a coach you have all the personalities to monitor and keep tabs on. The show also has a lot of subtle take-home mesages that, as a coach, I just eat up. If you haven't watched this show, give it a try, especially if you've ever been part of a team. It's pretty good stuff.

Other happenings...well I'm living in a state that has the oldest (I'm about 98% sure) senator in the nation and he's running for reelection this year. He was born in 1917, his name is all over EVERYTHING in this state...this means he'll be 95 by the time his term is up, providing he's still alive. Anyway, in the midst that is the mid-term elections we're all subject to those political ads. One has this senator talking about how he's proposed/pushing a bill to allow for silent prayer in school. HELLO?! McFly?! Seriously, do we need a bill for SILENT prayer? I'm pretty sure that this happens regardless if there is a law about it or not. I know for a fact that I've done this more then a fair share of time whenever I've had a test/exam/paper -- just asking for a little guidance and success. But really, a bill? C'mon, anyone else out there that finds this completely ridiculous?

OK, it's Wednesday now. Overheard while walking home this evening:
Female co-ed "The best day ever was when I found out I could use my Old Navy card at Gap and Banana Republic!"

Continuing the theme of TV shows from above, I'm currently watching 30 Rock. You know NBC has two shows on the new schedule that are behind-the-scene views on a fictional late-night TV show...both based on SNL. One is a drama (Studio 60...) while 30 Rock is a comedy. I'm really digging 30 Rock right now. Tiny Fey is great...seeing Alec Baldwin as a smarmy (is that even the right word?) network exec is great...and Tracy Morgan was always underrated on SNL. He's playing the "wacky/outrageous/crazy movie star" and he may actually break-out on this role. Overall (for the time being) it seems that NBC has some quality shows on its network and may be coming back from the low point they were at a year or two ago.


Dwayne Rudd said...

OMGWTFBBQ! You can use your Old Navy Card at Bananna Republic and Gap?! This just became the best day of my life!

Dwayne Rudd said...

So, you gonna fill us in on how the first swim meet went?

Anonymous said...

Well, to be fair, when I found out I could use my ON card at Gap and Bananna Republic, it was one of the best days of my life too! Until I found out Bananna doesn't charge less than $165 for a pair of shoes.

Studio 60 has lost me already. The blonde girl is annoying and the dialogue nowhere matches the sharpness or sohpistication of The West Wing or sports night. Aaron sorkin should go back to doing drugs.

Might I suggest what I think is one of best shows on TV right now? Boston Legal. The quirky characters, dialogue and situations along with first-rate actors and dialogue make me wish it was Tuesday every day. Give it a try.

Also, same question Dwayne asked in his second post.