Monday, June 05, 2006

Even Your Emotions Had an Echo

This is for all of you who haven't heard this song or seen the video. This song is quickly on its way to becoming THE song of the summer. You know how it is. Every summer there is some song that just rises from the ether to be played everywhere and anywhere -- for good or for bad. This song, fortunately, has the benefit that it is enjoyed and appreciated by both the masses and the hipster critics. Of course in another month I'll probably tell you how sick I am of the song. But in 10 years when VH1 is doing "I Love the Aughts" you will hear this song and immediately be reminded of everything you did during the summer of aught-six. I am actually thinking of picking up the CD. I listened to most of the tracks the other day and Barnes and Noble. By "listening" I don't mean I stood there for 45 minutes and listened to the whole CD. Of course that would be cool. No, I listened to snippets of each song. They definitely have a winner there. And for those who are interested, here are the lyrics for the song.

1 comment:

ekGreer said...

I thought the IT song was Paris Hilton's "stars are bling... I mean Blind"?