Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Bed is Pulling Me

It's 1am on a saturday. I'm working on a mix-CD for the OFOMOL. She moved back to Germany last sunday so I have nothing better to do then stay up, surf the net, and refuse to go to bed. So this will be a hodgepodge of stuff from me.

I was just checking some random webpages and decided to check one of the blogs I link to, Philalawyer. I was intro'd to this blog back in Jan/Feb of '05 by Anne. The anonymous author gained quite a following from its inception in late 2004 through the spring of 2005. Then, in an air of mystery, he was gone. Never to be hear from again...or so we thought. Well folks, he's back. He offers a glimpse into the world of lawyers and his many shenanigans during law school and as a practicing lawyer. He can be offensive at times, his posts have sexual tones to them, some may even call him misogynistic, and he is deeply cynical toward his job. His posts can get a little wordy, he goes off on tangents, and those of us not involved in law may not get all of the legalese. But he does write quite well and if you enjoy black humor, I encourage you to check it out.

Paul Lukas, the long-time writer of ESPN's Uni Watch column has started a daily Uni Watch Blog that I now link to. He covers any sports-related uniform news. He really goes in-depth into the minutia and subtleties of anything you can think of. As he's expanded, he's given props/criticisms to uniforms of high school and colleges. I'm still waiting, however, for him to analyze swimwear (yeah right) and offer up his opinion on the Kenyon Purple Fuzzy warm-ups.

Last, but not least, the World Cup has started. As soccer was the first sport I embraced as a youth, the game has a special place in my heart. It will be an exciting 4 weeks that should take more time out of my life then I'd prefer it to. Such is life. It is truly an event like no other. The Olympics have so many different sports to garner interest; American football, basketball, and baseball are not particularly global games -- basketball has really become a lot more international the past 10-20 years, and baseball is popular in the Americas and Japan. But the World Cup is the one event that is a global event. As for my predictions...well I'm not going to take any risks here and I'll predict a Brazil victory. The US is going to have a tough go-at-it, but I'm expecting them to get out of their group. I keep telling my European friends that sometime in the near (2010 or 2014) the US will win the World Cup. When that happens, the rest of the world will not know what to do. This is the one sport where they (the rest of the world) has been able to dominate us. When we win (it's going to happen, and sometime soon) it'll show the rest of the world that yes indeed, those yankees are as good as everyone else, if not better. Of course, when that does happen, I'd prefer that Bono does NOT do the voiceover.

1 comment:

ekGreer said...

I just laughed OUT LOUD that you said philalawyers posts are WORDY!

The scene: the internet
Kettle: you're black.
Pot: what the F?

But thanks for letting me know he's back. Did he explain the mystery? My thought was that he was in jail, which included being fired cause of the blog.