Wednesday, April 13, 2005

You're So Cute When You're Frustrated Dear

I'm what you call a "regular" studying in the cafeteria in my dorm. I always see the same people down there doing work. It's like we're part of a club...we don't really talk...but I get the sense that we have this unmentioned bond. We're all devoted to our work and enjoy the space and confines that is the cafeteria. I don't know them, but I feel I know them on some level.

Among this group is a couple. They sist there and do their work, fine, whatever. But then they get all touchy-feelie. A little is fine. Not a big deal. But they go over the line. They stroke each other and gaze longinglly into each others eyes....the whole ordeal is rather...obnoxious. I don't have a problem with PDA per se, just keep it resepectable. Holding hands and quick little kisses goodbye & hello are fine. Or if someone is leaving/returing from a length of time away, an extended kiss is allowable. But this whole being overly-touchy thing is not cool. And these people are grad students! It's not like they're freshmen, being 18 and on their own for the first time. They're older and they should know better. I don't want to see it and neither does anyone else. Save it for the privacy of your room.

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