Saturday, July 29, 2006

Taking Off and Landing

Well I made it safe and sound to Germany. I survived my first overseas plane flight. Before leaving C-town I got a bite to eat while watching the Tribe lose (damn they suck) at Max & Ermas. I got a turkey sandwhich and washed it down with a Sam Adams Summer Ale. While doing this I decided to do a little reading. My current book of choice is "Swimming Fastest" by Ernest Maglischo. An 800-page behemoth that details anything related to training swimmers. So here I am at the bar, enjoying a sandwhich and a brew, while reading & highlighting this book. The fellow next to me was a bit surprised and made some comment about the size of the book and its subject matter. During the rest of the trip whenever I brought it out, I received a couple of strange looks.

We were an hour or so late getting out of Detroit due to some inclimate weather. After taking off I quickly got comfortable and began watching movies, playing games, eating, drinking, and trying to sleep. I watched most of V for Vendetta and The Benchwarmers. I wasn't impressed with either movie. The last two hours of so of the flight seemed to take longer then it should have and we had to circle around Frankfort before we landed.

During my layover in Frankfort I noticed a couple of things. First off, people are allowed to smoke in the airport! This is pretty crazy as us Americans are pretty used to smokers not being able to light-up in most places. I got some coffee and it wasn't served in a styrofoam cup. No, I got an actual saucer and mug. What a concept! My flight to Dresden was about an hour late getting off the ground because we had to wait for the plane from London. Finally we took off and I arrived safely at my final destination, Dresden.

I went to get my luggage and waited to see my big blue suitcase. I waited. Then the belt stopped and I realized I had suffered the greatest of fates of an air traveller -- that of the lost luggage. So I went to the woman and asked "English?" and she spoke it! Yes! I told her where I was staying and would hopefully see the bag soon.

Then there was the moment of truth, the reason for my trip. It had been 7 weeks weeks since we last saw each other. I walked through the door and saw the OFOMOL looking as beautiful as I remember. That was a fantastic moment. We took the train and arrived at her place.

In order not to talk too long (ha!), I'll save my observations of European life until later.


Judge373 said...

I'm jealous! Eat lots of Broetchen for me :-)

ekGreer said...

7 weeks??? weakling.

Anonymous said...

What does OFOMOL mean??