Sunday, February 26, 2006

Cut Like a Razor Blade

OK OK, I guess I've gotten some backlash about my previous post complaining about the various charges and it sounded like I didn't have a good time. I did enjoy the concert...I think the small part of me that feels like it has any sort of indie cred is yelling " can't like Coldplay." It's those damn fees that pissed me off -- and the official mother of MOL ( even has MOM in there) agreed with me. I'll say it right now, Chris Martin rocks! Hard!

Anyway the OFOMOL and I did some shopping the other night. I took her to a few American legends of capitalism. Well first we went to World Market where she delighted in the selection of fine European food (mostly candy & chocolate). Then we headed to Krispy Kreme where we got some fresh hot doughnuts (or is it donut...). She was quite surprised at the quality of them and delighted in their confectionary goodness. Lastly we went to one of my most favorite~ stores, Wal-Mart. She had never gone before and kept begging me to go. So we get some stuff and I see a display for the new Gilette Fusion. Having screwed up the last time I bought razor blades (I got 2-blades instead of 3) I bit into the marketing and advertising blitz and bought one.

Saturday after my run I had the opportunity to test out the new toy. First though, the design of it is quite sublime. I am quite impressed with the handle although with all those damn blades, the blade itself is quite large and it looks like they've got a gazillon of those rubber "prep bands" beneath the blades. So anyway I test it out. Well I must point out that I didn't buy the Fusion shaving cream, so I probably deprived my face of the closest shaving possibility. I start shaving, and my first reaction is, wow this this is big. Seriously. It is quite unwieldy. I don't know what is going to happen when they have one with 10 blades. It feels like I'm operating a piece of heavy machinery. I finish shaving and it does feel closer...but I'm not sure it's any better then the 3 blades I'm used to. I did use the 6th blade to trim up my sideburns...but I don't know if it did something (but OFOMOL says it did). It does cost $14 for a 4-cartridge replacement...someday I'll calculate the per blade average and see which razor is best economically.


Anonymous said...

Shame on you for soliciting Wal-Mart- the evil icon of .50/hour (at best!) 3rd world sweat-shoppery and favorite hang-out of those with inbreeding, no dental plan or education past grade 7.

Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not covet Wal-mart!