Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Feed My Frankenstein

This is per request of my mom. Phil Mickelson won the PGA Championship on monday. I am a big Tiger Woods fan and very anti-Phil. He has the nick-name on the tour of "Lefty." As he also has some added weight around him (not a lot, but noticeable), I prefer the more-rhymy monniker, Hefty Lefty. Anyway so yay for Phil. You're still 8 majors away from Tiger.

To extend my comments on elevator culture that I did a couple posts back. I've started the habit of being the last one to hit the elevator button when I get in now. If someone presses the floor above or below mine (3 or 5), I'll simply get off there and then walk up or down a floor. I'm sure it looks strange, but to me it makes sense and I'm sure you'll all agree that I am strange in some way.

And to add on to my marriage discussion of sunday. Eloping has crossed my mind. In a strange story-book kind of way I like the idea of meeting someone new, quickly becoming infatuated with them and then getting married. Seeing it as a challege to make it succeed. Or eloping with someone I have been dating for awhile just...well because. So yeah if I suddenly get married someday, you heard it here first folks.

Last bit for the night. How many of you have heard the new Death Cab For Cutie song? I'll tell you right now, it's good. Their new album drops in September. I'll put it here first and predict that the album is going to explode. The past 2+ years their stock has really risen. There is the whole Seth Cohen/OC rep that they get. Then there is the success of Ben Gibbard's side project, The Postal Service. Add to that the semi-commercial success of more indie-esque bands recently and the result is a vast amount of commercial success for the band. And of course that will bring the requisite indie/hipster backlash. But they are one band I wouldn't mind becoming big.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for humoring me. Predictions for this weekend's NEC Tournament down the road?

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ekGreer said...

I often get off on the wrong floor and walk - it saves everyone else another stop. Its a thankless job being this great, but I manage to get by.

Maybe we arent the only ones. Maybe there are lots of people doing it, and we will all get in one elevator some day, ride to the top floor, and then all of us will get off and have to walk down 10 flights to get to our original destination. Good times.