Monday, September 26, 2005

So I Dive Into a Pool

So guess what I did today? Something I haven't done in quite awhile. Well since most of my readership demograpics either have multiple degrees or are working their way toward's one, you probably have figured out that I went swimming. As one of the perks of working at the Runner's World Shoe Testing Lab (besides a multitude of free shoes) is a membership at the M.A.C. Today was my first time using the facilities. I got in a nice 1600 meters. Yes, the pool is a 25-meter pool. Can't say I've ever used one of these on a regular basis. One key was that when I was doing some 50s my fastest (time wise, not effort wise) time was :40. Even though I've swum minimally since I retired in Feb 02 I know I can muster better then :40 for a 50-yd swim. So David Whitbeck (aka the purveyor of all swimming knowledge) if you ever read this, maybe you can let me know if that is a decent time or not. Just like riding a bike...except that you're in a pool using no really its NOTHING like riding a bike, but you know what I mean.

The M.A.C. is probably the nicest health club I've been a part of. After the swim I went into the locker room and soaked in the hot tub for a few minutes to relax my aching muscles (my legs are still a bit sore from yesterday's run). A couple things I noticed in the locker room -- old men like just walk around naked and chill out naked. I don't mind nakedness per se...but it might take some adjusting too. It might be a generational thing. I mean even when I swam the majority of us just showered in our suits and then changed at our lockers. Also most of the lockers have name plates on them and are reserved for members. One question -- what do I need to do to get my very own vanity locker? So my plan is to try and get in and swim 2-3 days a week. Just a little something to get back into it. One thing -- it felt REALLY great to swim again. Its a whole evisceral experience that involves the physical and the mental to create my very own special place. Yeah, swimming (or as the Germans would say, Schvimmen) rocks.

So a few days ago I posted some comment like "I got wasted last night and woke up hand-cuffed to some girl..." Just to let you all know, this 1) did not happen, and 2) I hope never happens. I think the majority of my readers know me well enough to realize that this is not something I would do. It was also meant as a comment to kinda poke fun at other bloggers out there that do post about all aspects of their lives. I rarely post personal stuff here that involves other people. And the "personal" stuff I do post is very focused on my self and the views/opinions/feelings I have. So yeah, I apologize for any misunderstands about this. I can see my parents talking about it now "I KNEW we raised him to be better then that."

What else? I was thinking earlier today (while folding laundry) about how my life is going pretty darn good right now. Yes I have a lot of work and jobs...but I'm managing and I'm a lot happier then I have been in quite awhile. Most people realize I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky guy, but now I"m happier-go-lucky.


Anonymous said...

A little remark: as far as I know, the Germans would say (write!) "schWimmen" ;o)
Anyway, I am quite impressed by your bilingualism...

Anonymous said...

The older men walking around naked is a generational thing... consider that most of them came of age during the sexual revolution. And, good to know you're back in the pool...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you got back in the pool and even gladder to hear you are -happier-go-lucky as opposed to happy-go-lucky.