Thursday, September 01, 2005

This Ain't No Mudd Club

CBGB's lease won't be renewed
For those of you not in the know, this issue has been around for awhile. CBGB, the seminal club that helped launch Punk Rock in the 1970s owes months in back rent. The club which, coincidentally stands for Country Blue Grass and Blues featured bands such as the Ramones, the Talking Heads, Blondie, and Television. Hopefully all interested parties will be able to work things out, but right now things look pretty glim.

I've taken a step to alleviate the amount of spam left on my comments. If you want to leave a comment you now have to do a word verification. Yes, its one more step for you my faithful readers, but this is war and a you're either with me or with the spammers.

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